At the heart of the Broadcast-AP – as the name may suggest – is the same circuitry as Hudson's flagship pedal, the Broadcast. A class-A discrete, transformer-coupled circuit, designed to saturate in a unique way reminiscent of certain recording and broadcast consoles.
For Ariel Posen's signature model, Hudson took the low-gain side of the standard Broadcast as the starting point, exchanging the Germanium transistor for a Silicon and used an OEP transformer – the OEP transformer saturates and distorts less below 100Hz compared to the Triad transformer used in the standard Broadcast. These two changes together give the Broadcast-AP a darker, smoother, more powerful tone compared to the standard version. Greater weight in the lows, whilst retaining the open highs and upper-mids, giving the Broadcast a ‘3D’ effect.
The control layout features both LEVEL and GAIN TRIM potentiometers and a switchable high-pass / low-cut filter – 100Hz @ 6dB/oct. The GAIN TRIM control has 12dB more gain than the low-gain side of standard Broadcast, allowing the Broadcast-AP to cover ground from clean boost through to medium gain overdrive tones. In addition, the gain of the pedal can be increased via an internal trimmer and – when pushed to the max – the sound becomes overloaded, broken and fuzzy. The high-pass / low-cut filter can help keep the low end together, especially when driving amps at higher gain and volume levels.
This pedal is very lightly used, and we'll ship it to you super fast and super safe in its original box! Feel free to give us a call with any questions you may have about it!