Inspired by the audaciously bombastic sonic footprints of Psychedelic Rock n’ Roll’s pioneering giants, this Octave-Fuzz effect exists in the space between the achievements of the past, and the promise of the future...
The Aviator Fuzz boasts an uncommonly high headroom circuit, which (in the case of The Aviator Fuzz) may be tuned to taste by adjusting the unit’s Voltage knob, allowing the player to faithfully recreate the sound and feel of a dying (or sagging) 9V battery at will; an historically desirable (and for good reason- ask Eric Johnson!) tonal texture, when employed with a vintage-style fuzz circuit. In homage to the counter-culturally provocative sounds of the 1960’s, the Aviator Fuzz boasts a Dual Channel (fully analog and true bypass) design, transporting you from dynamic electro-mechanical fuzzy dream, to mile-high jet engine scream in an instant. Plant yourself firmly in the present and soar into the future’s past... Let your imagination take flight with the Aviator Fuzz.
This pedal is very lightly used, and we'll ship it to you super fast and super safe in its original box! Feel free to give us a call with any questions you may have about it!