And for my next tric
And for my next trick…BOOM! What’s better than one H9? Well, two H9s of course! What’s better than 2 H9s? Well I’m glad you asked?! Introducing the @eventide H90. The upgrade we have all been waiting for, it’s more than just two H9s. We’re big @eventideaudio fans here at Eastside and have been long users of all of their products, this H90 though….it’s doing it and doing it and doing it well. Sometimes the grass IS greener on the other side. Too many features to talk about it, hit me with the questions down in the comment section. And I’ll do my best to answer them all….whenever I put mu guitar down…
#hellyeahbrother #hellyeahsister #eastsidemusicsupply #toeachhistone #eastnashville #eventide #h90 #h9 #dropriffsnotbombs