Back in stock baby! We...

Back in stock baby! We...

Back in stock baby! We love these finely crafted effectors from @vongonelectronics and try our hardest to keep them in stock! The Paragraphs, an analog resonant low pass filter, is a very inspiring pedal that sounds incredible with guitar, but is magical with drum machines and synths. The Ultrasheer is one of the most beautiful sounding pedals we’ve ever played. Matching sound with aesthetic, a hollowed out piece of walnut is just icing on the stereo reverberated cake. Don’t believe us? Come by and see/hear for yourself.
#eastsidemusicsupply #toeachhistone #eastnashville #guitarpedals #vongonelectronics #filter #syntheffects #reverb #vibrato #npd #stereoreverberatedcake #arehashtagsstillathing? #yaysocialmedia