Reeves Electro 2N2 Face V1 Silcon Fuzz

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  • Regular price $579.00

The 2n2Face is fat, gritty, warm and capable of getting very very loud. No fizzy or spitty decay and nice tight bass response that is forward in the tone. Just classic FuzzFace lovleyness. The classic pairing is with a single coil type guitar such as a strat, however there are some great tones to achieve from any type or make of instrument.

The added X factor with my version is the astounding amount of volume on tap. Into an a 'breaking' amp tone the volume can be used as a boost for even more complex overtones and a richness that is often missing in fuzzfaces... try it, you might like it! clean up from the guitar volume works well, however due to the baising to obtain such high volume boost a small amount of grittyness will remain if you dig in hard.

Using 2n2222a transistors, JB capacitors and Fischer resistors. Each pedal is tuned (biased) for the smoothest decay. Original FuzzFaces were typically known for their lack of volume. Not the case with the 2n2Face, unity is around the 9 to 10 0'clock mark on the volume with the fuzz maxed.

This excellent fuzz is lightly used and ships swiftly and safely! If you have any questions about this Reeves pedal give us a call here at the shop!