AI Synthesis AI003 Looping ADSR Envelope Generator

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  • Regular price $79.00

The AI003 Looping ADSR Envelope Generator is a looping ADSR Envelope Generator. It can be manually triggered via Momentary Push Button, Gated via the Gate Signal, Triggered or re-triggered by a Trigger input, or set into a loop mode via a toggle switch. An LED shows the status of the output.

In Gate or Trigger mode, the envelope can be used as a traditional ADSR envelope generator. In loop mode, the output sends a variable exponential waveshape between Ramp, Triangle, and Sawtooth LFO with control over the attack and decay of the LFO shape.

The modes are dependent on whether or not the gate jack is inserted, and for triggers, the Sustain level - see the chart below. We will be releasing a more traditional ADSR with "normal" gating functions shortly (but with twice the part count and no AD loop).


This sweet looping ADSR is very lightly used and ships safely and swiftly! Feel free to call us with any questions you have about this module.