‘Pamela’s Workout’ is a compact programmable clock source for your eurorack modular synthesizer system.
It provides 8 highly editable trigger outputs, all correlated to a direct and voltage controlled BPM based clock.
BPM based clock with rates 25-300BPM.
8 clocked independent adjustable trigger outputs each with 32 Clock divisors and multipliers /512 to *48 including Triplets, Evens, Odds etc.
Also per trigger Pulse width, random skips and delay and delay division (for complex shuffle)
Voltage and direct control of clock stop/start and reset.
Voltage control of clock rate.
Sync to an external clock input at 24 to 1 PQN.
Simple realtime user interface with ‘NOS’ vintage LED display.
Non-volatile – settings remembered between power cycles across 5 save banks.
Easy firmware upgrades with no special hardware needed just an audio out.
Provides DIN Sync input & output with simple adaptor.
Skiff friendly
Designed and built in England.
This piece of gear is lightly used and ships swiftly and safely in its original box! If you have any questions about this Pamela's Workout give us a call here at the shop!