Alexander La Calavera Phaser

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  • Regular price $159.00

A full-fledged festival of phasing, the Alexander La Calavera combines an offering to the more traditional effects of days gone by with the essence of rebirth and revolution. Wake the dead with a colorful celebration of vibrant vibes and multiple modes of modulation.


  • Rate: Controls the rate of the low-frequency oscillator (LFO) for the phase shifter. In Envelope mode, the rate control sets the maximum speed.
  • Intensity: Controls the maximum LFO sweep and the intensity of the phase shifter.
  • Mix: Controls the blend between the dry and phased signal. Equal mix is at 12 o'clock. Hint: Vibrato effects are available with 100% wet mix.
  • Tweak: This controls different parameters depending on the mode the pedal is in. See below for details.

Mode Toggle:

  • Suave: Smooth sounding ten-stage studio phaser, the Suave mode is wet and deep. The Tweak knob controls the amount of regeneration in the phase signal. This mode has a unique twist - when the Depth control gets high enough the oscillator waveform "folds back" into itself for a super-deep sweep.
  • Dynámica: This mode puts the control in your hands, literally. The Tweak knob controls the sensitivity of the phaser to your guitar input volume, and the Rate knob sets the maximum phaser speed. Set the Rate below noon to increase speed with higher volumes, set above noon to decrease speed with louder signals. Hint: Try Envelope mode mixed fully wet, with low Intensity for a volume sensing vibrato.
  • Loco: This one is pretty crazy. The Tweak knob controls the feedback of the phase signal, and is linked to a ring modulator for some intense modulation effects. Might sound pretty gnarly, might sound pretty sweet.

This sick phaser is lightly used and we'll ship it to ya safely and swiftly in its original box! Give us a shout at the shop with any questions you may have.