Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man 1990's

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  • Regular price $769.00

One of the finest examples of solid-state delay. The pinnacle of bucket-brigade stompbox technology. The Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man.

There really is nothing quite like the warm, crunchy, gooey, analog goodness of the old Deluxe Memory Man. Some pedals can come close, but we've yet to hear another delay pedal that can match that classic tone.

Until the advent of the bucket brigade chip, guitarists had to lug around big clunky tape units to add time-based effects to their guitar signal, and only when those tape units fell into disrepair was any chorusing or vibrato added. The EHX Memory Man was one of the first of its kind to allow guitarists to add echoes to their playing as well as pitch vibrato without the hassle and upkeep of tape units.

When the Memory Man was first reissued in the 1990's, the big clunky power cord and transformer was replaced with a much more convenient jack for an external power supply.

This one is super clean, and still has its original box, power supply, and manual with it. These pedals are getting harder and harder to find as the years go by, and the tone is just as timeless as it ever was.

We'll ship this bad boy to you super fast and super safe in the box with all the goodies. Feel free to give us a call with any questions you may have about it!