Mutable Instruments Plaits Macro-Oscillator

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  • Regular price $299.00

Mutable Instruments Plaits is a multi-algorithm macro oscillator that provides everything from FM to speech synthesis, analog percussion emulation, wavetables, modal synthesis, granular synthesis...whoa, this module does basically everything. Expanding on Braids's strong points and eliminating its pitfalls, Émilie Gillet's Plaits is a perfect bonding of tremendous flexibility and an intuitive user interface.

Built from the ground up and sharing no code or hardware with Braids, Plaits borrows concepts from its predecessor while operating at considerably higher audio resolution and with a refined means of user interaction. For one, it dispenses with that pesky screen to offer even more tactility and immediacy. Additionally, Plaits features a dedicated CV input for the model parameter, easy access to the module’s internal envelopes for modulation of vital parameters, and an integrated lowpass gate with definable filtering intensity and virtual vactrol response time.

This sweet piece of modular gear is lightly used and we'll ship it to ya safely and swiftly in its original box! Give us a shout at the shop with any questions you may have.