Port City Amps Pearl KR Amp Head

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  • Regular price $1,799.00

Port City has been making fantastic amps for years now, and we're always stoked to get them here in the shop, especially when they are truly one of a kind.

The Pearl is an amp design that Port City has been offering for years, and they're currently on their 7th version. But this particular Pearl is unlike any previous versions, as it was custom designed for renowned jazz guitarist Kurt Rosenwinkel. This is an early draft that Port City built for Kurt, going through several revisions until they finally ended up settling on the design for his current signature Heartcore model amp.

With 50 watts of headroom, this amp absolutely nails those sparkly Fender Twin clean tones, with a super versatile 3-band EQ section that seems to have no shortage of sweet spots. With a trio of JJ ECC23's and a power section of two TAD 6L6's, this amp is a perfect pedal platform and can deliver scintillating cleans to high heaven with little to no breakup.

One of the things that sets this Pearl apart from other Pearls is that it was designed to have a second, lower wattage channel. This channel can get some sweet breakup at lower volumes if you really push it, or you can use its second input to jump the two channels!

This amp is VERY lightly used, and it functions flawlessly. You can own a sweet obscure piece of jazz history! We'll ship this amp head to you with its slip cover super fast and super safe. Feel free to give us a call with any questions you may have about it!