The Shape Shifter is a tremolo for the people. Something for you bluesy boys and ambient noise folks alike. You want something classic? Done. You want something could only be generously considered a trem and more closely resembles alien communication devices? Oh yeah pal. Throw in stereo function and you got the whole package complete with chef's kiss.
Upon first glance, you'll find yourself greeted with some familiar control. Your depth or sometimes called intensity knob lets you choose from a range of light flutter to far swinging pendulum of trem tones. Your speed knob controls well, the speed! Flip the toggle next to it to swap your speed control to read the tap tempo. In this more the knob sets the speed as a ratio compared to the tapped speed!
The next two controls are where we go full whack. Use the wave control to move between smooth sines and hard squares to give a glitched and choppy sound to your tone. The shape knob allows you to dive into the experimental with reverse tape tones and synthy attacks! Get even funkier with the phase knob in stereo to give your sound even more width.
Scoop up this quirky effects box and we'll ship it out to ya wicked fast and wicked free! Give us a call at the shop with any questions you may have.