Meris Enzo X

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  • Regular price $599.00

Enzo X is a supernova expansion from the original Enzo into the highest quality and most flexible polyphonic synthesizer ever created in a pedal format.

Enzo X combines 5 synth modes and incorporates those into a modular system UI/architecture from both award winning LVX and MercuryX pedals. In addition to being a 6 voice poly synth, Enzo X includes 3 reverbs which are adapted from Mercury X (Prism algorithm), 5 Drives (including Bitcrush), a full stereo 2.5 second
Delay, and 5 modulation types. To make this complex system immediately intuitive to navigate, we again leveraged the simple and easy to use UI first developed for LVX. Unveil the Universe Within. 

So what does the Enzo X have that the original does not? What a great question, thanks for asking! It does plenty, to name a few the Enzo X features: 3 Reverb types, Full ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain & Release), Dual 2500 msec delays (as opposed to the original singular 530 msec delay), Drives: (Volume Pedal, Tube, Op Amp, Transistor, Bit Crush), Full 6 Voice Polyphonic control + Pitch and Mod Wheels, 99 presets (previously 16) with the ability bookmark favorites and variable oscillators including pitch, gain and "white noise" this thing even has a chromatic tuner. The Enzo X is a welcome upgrade from the original 'lil gold Meris pedal. 

This synth beast ships fast and free 'cause that's how we be!