Here at EMS, we love Big Muffs. And we also love Jesse at Rude Tech. Jesse also loves Big Muffs. And we're gonna let him tell you about how much he loves them:
"I love distortion. I agonize over which distortion gets a spot on my pedalboard for a certain band, or even a certain show. A Civil War when I play bass. A “bosstortion” with a tone bypass mod for feedback heavy punk band. A tall-front Green with unreal bass response for a stoner/doom show.
Why can’t I have it all!? Oh wait, I build pedals… I can have all three in one box and have room for extra goodies!
This is a heavvvy distortion/fuzz that I’m sure you’re familiar with, but I’ve brought a ton of new features along for the ride :
- select among 3 famous circuits
- tone bypass toggle so you can just hear the distortion/fuzz circuit alone
- modeled after the cockpit controls of a Russian MiG jet
- stamped serial numbers on the metal faceplate of all pedals
This circuit typically has a significant mids cut when the tone circuit is engaged, so some players opt to run it into an overdrive with a mids spike to even things out for new tonal possibilities. Well, fam I got you covered.
The second footswitch is an in-pedal Mids Drive with silicon and germanium clipping placed after the tone section of the main distortion circuit. A Trim control lets you use the circuit as a boost or cut, and two internal trimpots let you change the character of the Mids Drive.
Internal features:
- socketed components
- swap your clipping-stage transistors from the original 5888s
- Try 5889 for slightly more gain
- Try 2N222 for a choked-out overdrive sound
- Try BC547 for a more vintage sounding distortion
- And more! I’d love to hear what you come up with
- socketed Mids Drive opamp
- I ship it with a 4558 for a vintage overdrive sound
- Try TL072 for vintage but crisp sound
- heck, try a NE5532 for modern hi-fi sound… Mr. Moneybags.
- swap your clipping-stage transistors from the original 5888s
- Mids Drive drive level
- Mids Drive tone control
Basically, it’s your favorite distortion, but so much more flexible."
This blackout baddie ships fast and free, cuz that's how we be!!!